Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Why is it?

It’s started with a early retirement to bed last night. And when the circadian clock gives up, you generally end up getting up un-usually early to your own surprise. What perplexes me today is something else as well - a weird, but detailed, dream that I had. A series of questions that come to my head following the dream, many of them specific to me, but a lot of them are very generic hence, I try and assimilate them here.

The one that takes over every other question right now is - Why is it that I care to write these down? And why is it that its here? There are a few justifiable answers that I get for that from my own head. Firstly, is it because I know I can reach to a global audience with this amazing discovery (for which I wish thank all the people who would have spent those sleep-less nights, discovering/inventing wonders, right from the a computer to every possible instrument that I’m using to write this down – this empowers us) . Secondly is it because I thought it would be something interesting to post here. The questions are in no particular order. The length of some questions is too long just because I had to provide the context of the question to get the right question through. All mention of “We” below is a filthy generalization of “I”

Why is it that dreams amaze us so much? Is it because of the sheer detail in the dream which half the time we forget before we know it, or is it because we know not the power of human brain which we’ve always under-estimated

Why is it that whenever we start writing in any editor, we change the font to our liking first?

Why is it that we have this need (an incorrigible thirst) to please other living beings (as its not limited to humans)?

Why is it that we as a natural reflex give up a seat for elders in a train/bus and feel a little upset when we don’t?

Why is it that we long to be home when we are away and finally when we are “home” we long for something else??!!

Why is it that we don’t have an answer to what we want to achieve in life? Its so amazing as it’s a very relative question?

Why is it that we recognize people from our country/region in just a glance?
(Its a different thing that Gujjus typically, so its very easy for me )

Why is it that it takes us a lifetime to build a relationship and an unfortunate minute to spoil it?

Why is it that when we lend a helping hand to others who refuse, we feel insulted and when acknowledged we feel good?
Why is it that we loose track of time when we are doing something with total dedication?

Why is it that passion is outweighed in this ROI oriented world?

Why is it that some of the best friends that you make are from your child-hood (is it because you’d have known each other before having any vested interest?)

Why is it that we long to be kids again, when we hated to be over-ruled when we were kids in the first place?

Why is it that “it is said college was the best time in life?” when we were totally flabbergasted by the system back then?

Why is it that we have a bias towards “our” things in this globalised world?

A good friend of mine during college, Sohil, told me this during a meal once. Why is it that people work so hard? For good marks, good grades, good campus, good salary, good career, good position, good flat, good car, good life in general (a few people may argue good after-life? may be some other day!) But after a series of question answers it boiled down to “shanti se do waqt ki roti ke liye”. (I know that the materialistic requirements are much more than this simplistic thought, but its true, at least for me). His reply to that was, when you are getting the same thing that you are slogging for right now, you don’t enjoy it and long for the same thing in the future? So analyze what we are slogging for? I doubt I got this one through.. ha ha..

The answer to all these questions is Silence

Would love to ponder over similar perplexing/witty questions, do post if you wish


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