Friday, December 5, 2008

Re: Ashamed of not voting till now

Here's a reply that i got from a good friend from VVNagar. Thought of pasting it here as some very important and interesting questions have been asked..

From what I know and believe all of us "act" so busy in life that it requires some incident to stop us from our rat races and notice somethings wrong!

I'm reading "India Unbound" by Gurucharan Das and he believes we lack Teamwork! He cites Raja Puru & Alexander's war and blames the old caste system for this mis-match

more later

god bless..


Hi Dhanjeet,
Hope you have got settled at London. I have just today finished one of my exam and presentation and the rest are in pipeline. What about you?
I am happy to see you sharing of really good thoughts. I think the initiative should come from within and it should not be like the bubbles on SODA bottle, it just comes and after some time it gets lost. Let's hope and try to make it a permanent Chetna/Jaagruti of people and start from ourselves.
We are looking for someone to get killed, some mishap to happen to be good person/start good initiative and after some time we forget it, but why? Can not we be a good person/take good initiative without any stimulus? Can not we persevere in our determination of some good idea?
These are the questions that we have to ask ourselves then be a fair judge of what are we thinking in this direction and if needed we have to take steps being honest to ourselves and then only there will be a change that we want to see in society otherwise it will also be added into the list of some ahhiyans that were started by some people which were ended prematurely and it will continue as it is.
Regards to all back at home in India.

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