Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Did not verify the source of the previous article, which I humbly remove now, with apology. It was just a circulation just like a re-tweet (slightly longer hence re-blogged), producing the complete content for the reader to make their own informed opinion, which everyone is entitled to.

But this just shows that anything related to cricket sells like hot-cakes and motivates people to passionately comment. Hence, it seems inevitable to me that people will find vested commercial interests to earn from and play with psychology of the masses. As we've been seeing it since years, be it trps, blog hits, youtube views facebook page views, tweets and what not will come out in the future.

Hence the fame and the pressure that comes with it. But not everyone can digest it well, some buckle under the unnecessary stress and some survive. Every successful person has carved a name for themselves with great effort. Comments which are constructive and non-offensive are welcome but down right mud-slinging is uncalled for..