Monday, March 30, 2009

the obsession for the superlative

Blogging is becoming a more or less weekend activity recently. Nevertheless, its so much of exercise for the brains as it requires some thought process and construction of plot and base etc. Or that's what I presume, because it's the reader who should be deciding that. The recent days have been smooth and sound. Things are slowly moving on, on a personal front. Living with very nice people, helps a lot. Usual days listening to good traditional manuscripts in the form of music on the way in and out of work, thinking and observing mental activity and obsessions!

Why do we always want the best? The route we take to the office should be the quickest. The advertisements always stress upon the superlatives in the articulately constructed product descriptions. The biggest space, widest range of products, largest superstore, strongest adhesive, tastiest burgers and the list goes on. We want the fastest machines. We want the best seat in the bus, train or flight. We want the best view of the sea during holidays.

We want to be the most different in the crowd. But we forget the very basic fact of nature - every one is different. Everyone is special. Again trying to generalise out of special cases, we’ve constructed statistics of measurements. Measurement of anything and everything is so important to humans. We always want to know the progress. Let’s say, if I were to ask any of my cousin their academic progress I would ask the rank in the class. Despite of knowing that academic systems of most of the countries do not test real talent, I do it - subconsciously. Many people without any formal degrees are live examples of the failure of the education system as a whole - globally.

We all know what the destination of the journey of life is, death. Its about enjoying the ride isnt it. But its still a race, and we still want to be first. This is a never ending process, recurring in many different shapes and sizes throughout our day. As very well put by one of our colleagues, even if the path is dark and you can’t see a thing, you can still run at your fastest. The only thing that tells you the direction, and that you right is -


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