Thursday, February 17, 2011

Question and Wonder!

This is an excerpt which will, I am sure, make you Question and Wonder about what it has to say..

These two words often occupy most of our attention and time. From cradle to grave we beset with the emotions and excitements connected to these two words.

Yet these words have nothing in common; and in them they have nothing in similar; In fact they often drag us in opposite directions.

What is a question? It is something related to situations or sentiments; it is related to some problem or some other question; What is it? Why is it and how is it, in relation to life and living?

But what does it achieve, except a temporary truce to curiosity? A question begins with doubts, and ends with more doubts.

And what is wonder? It is not a question needing an answer. It is a positive expression of joy. It begins with innocence and ends in amazement.

A wonder is something that we are unable to understand and yet we are unable to question. The vast universe & the varied seasons, the complexity of life and the completeness of the creation, evoke in us a feeling of puzzlement and of joy.

A question often leads to criticism but wonder always leads to compassion; A question presupposes confusion, wonder presupposes innocence.

A question generates more questions, wonder generates more of wonder. There is no completeness in question; there is no compartment in a wonder;

A question leads us to knowledge which is always partial, a wonder leads us to joy & love which is always full. It is human to question. It is divine to wonder!

- Acharya Ratnananda in More Light on Less Knowd (Vol-1)


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