Saturday, May 16, 2009

What a verdict of a billion voters!

Politics in general and Indian politics in particular intrigues me. Youth of any country I’m sure wants decisive people in the lead, who can lead a country into the developmental sunshine. That’s what I think has been delivered by the Electoral masses of India.

Loss is orphan, and success has many fathers. Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone. Smiles and grudges covered by the untiring media. People caught off-guard by blunt questions. Any major event, win or loss brings new stars to the platform and rides others into the sun-set. Many greats have won and lost.

Wishing the new government all the luck it needs to take a billion people towards sunshine. Congratulations to the winners. Sympathy for the loosers. Hoping for a much younger and dynamic leadership for the next term. India definitely deserves better, politicians.

Whats amazing is listening to all who haven't fared well. A few accept defeat with humility and some are just plain sore losers. But anyways, like the old adage says:- ring out the old - ring in the new. Lets do an Obama and say

Change is here

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