A lot of thought-waves have been whirl-pooling in the mind this sleepless morning. I could not think of a better question to start inquiring - using a rational and highly opinionated ruler. What sort of conditions would determine the events that follow such a discovery? There are so many perspectives that we can try and think of. Could we draw some inspiration from our own history, perhaps from other Earthly species of plants and animals. Recently broadcasted David Attenborough's and Andrew Marr's BBC documentary series' and my understanding of psychology would be the over-arching assumptions to this. However, lets venture into a few of them in a bit more detail.
I always used to wonder why developed world Governments spend so much effort on Space programmes. But as my understanding of History becomes clearer, I feel its to do with setting a claim on things they think might be out there. Resources were historically why clans travelled from a place to another, its true even now and will be true in the future. The scene of first Europeans landing on the shores of Australia or America comes to mind. The people involved were no doubt Adventurers, travelling enormous distances in those days with minimal modern equipments, but the people who financed them did not have philanthropic motives. What follows is inevitable friction between the Discoverer and the Discovered. The strong tries to control the weak. Our way is better than yours. Social and Cultural exchange can only happen once communication can be established overcoming the language barriers. Economics and barter will take precedence along with mixing of gene-pools.
All the movies that touch this subject from Hollywood to Home have many ideas pictured with varied prudence. If we find a species seemingly advanced, we will surely try and get what is good from them. Better medicines, equipments, resources, education, governance models and society in general. It will no doubt bring its own challenges like extra diseases to worry about and other opinions to adjust with. It could either be a gradual evolutionary integration or instant annihilation.
But the question of who is better is based on perspective. TV trivia tells me that 90% of aboriginal Australians died out in a decade of Europeans setting foot on the continent. Some in battle and most with newly brought diseases. Hard to believe. So the Biological factors will be the first to worry about.
The Gujju businessmen will surely be keen on setting up shop to barter and migrate to the new space, evolving and figuring out a migration & integration strategy. Apple with iHuman and Google with their eye on their communication mechanisms to crawl through.
I would not be surprised if there already would be irrelevant policy documents which describe the process of what should be done if we find someone else. So much for improvisation and creativity. But exciting nevertheless..