Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year 2009

I wanted wish you all a very happy new year with the leap second this year.

Adding a forward from a close friend.

Dear Friend,

May you get a clean bill of health from your dentist, your cardiologist, your gastro-enterologist, your urologist, your proctologist, your podiatrist, your psychiatrist, your plumber and the I.R.S.

May your hair, your teeth, your face-lift, your abs and your stocks not fall; and may your blood pressure, your triglycerides, your cholesterol, your white blood count and your mortgage interest not rise.

May New Year's Eve find you seated around the table, together with your beloved family and cherished friends. May you find the food better, the environment quieter, the cost much cheaper, and the pleasure much more fulfilling than anything else you might ordinarily do that night.

May what you see in the mirror delight you, and what others see in you delight them. May someone love you enough to forgive your faults, be blind to your blemishes, and tell the world about your virtues.

May the telemarketers wait to make their sales calls until you finish dinner, may the commercials on TV not be louder than the program you have been watching, and may your check book and your budget balance - and include generous amounts for charity.

May you remember to say "I love you" at least once a day to your spouse, your child, your parent, your siblings; but not to your secretary, your nurse, your masseuse, your hairdresser or your tennis instructor.

And may we live in a world at peace and with the awareness of God's love in every sunset, every flower's unfolding petals, every baby's smile, every lover's kiss, and every wonderful, astonishing, miraculous beat of our heart.

Wish you a your family a very happy and prosperous 2009

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

consumer confused in crazy capitalism

As I await my coach for Leicester, I hear an announcement – “Welcome to Victoria Coach Station, Please be aware that many Pick Pockets, Baggage Thieves and Ticket Mongers operate in the Victoria Coach Station. If you see any such activity, please do not encourage them by providing them Money or used Travelcards”. As most of the people scramble to get to their loved ones during holiday season. The announcement leaves me wondering that so many micro-economies survive in and around any major establishment. Same holds true if you see any place where there are usual people passing by. It can be a small coffee shop at a sub-urban Railway Station to multi-storeyed shopping malls within gigantic stations like Waterloo, Kings-Cross, Paddington or Victoria. People find capital avenues in almost anything under the Sun. Customer is the king.

Read a new report yesterday which said a court had ruled that Airlines would now have pay the damages to customers in case of un-foreseen flight cancellation except catastrophic events like terrorist attack. And engine failure and failure to do maintenance tests aren’t such events. This is a good judgement unless its worked around by extremely intelligent lawyers that airlines would hire to argue against it. It always boils down to money doesn’t it. Anyone will do everything it takes; go to any extent not to shell out a few bucks. Hundreds of price-comparison sites survive promising people the best deals available in the market. All the adverts we see in the TV are targeted at selling the “we are better because we are cheaper” idea to the customer. And contrary to this, many big brands e.g. Apple always take the arrogant route and say “quality doesn’t come cheap”.

All these ads and brand toy with the Psyche of the consumer. You can’t buy things cheap as you deserve better (even though poor fellow might end up paying many instalments). The availability of cashless transactions in the form of credit cards adds to the confusion. You need this desperately – you don’t have to pay now. Its good and bad according to me and have had violent discussions with people having contrary views. Round the year “Sale” in many stores make it difficult to differentiate between the genuine and the fake ones. I’ve known people who end up buying more than they’d needed and feeling good about the amount that they’ve saved because of the sale, rather they’d have saved the whole lot instead. If we take clothes for instance, it’s funny that no matter how varied your wardrobe would be you only have 365 days in a year to wear those clothes. You end up reserving more space in your bedroom cup-board (and fight with your partner), buying bigger suit-cases for travel and so on and so forth, these are invisible costs of never thought about habits. Same goes for any other shopping that we do. My brother has ended up buying a 42” TV, even though it doesn’t fit very well in the flat that he stays currently. The only thing that you notice in the whole house is the TV coz it stares at you – no matter wherever you are.

The world has enough to satisfy people’s need but not their greed. Lot of intelligent people in the world have hinted that the solution to the world’s problems is simple living. So using only that you actually need makes a lot of difference. If you look at the shopping you do weekly, just see what we use and what we throw away. Almost 50% of the volume is plastic packaging and litter which after we throw away in the bins the government has to worry about sorting. Again a marketing problem, because if the packaging isn’t pretty no-ones going to buy it.

It’s funny at what topic you end up when you keep writing. That’s the fun of blogging I believe.

Simple Green Living

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

As is stand atop the over-bridge of Clapham Junction with lots of colourful trains passing by below me, read an article from today’s evening daily. Why being a billionaire in Zimbabwe is pointless. A loaf of bread cost Z$10 million a couple of weeks ago, it cost Z$20 million in the last week and Z$100 million this week. The government has introduced a Z$500 million note and limited weekly withdrawal from the banks to that amount. People depend on Church handouts and reliefs to survive. Unbelievable situation eh!

Any calamity, natural or man-made is the time when we see the best and the worst of the human characters. I’ve witnessed a few of them. As far as I can remember right now, it started with 1997 Cyclone in west coast of Gujarat, 2001 Earthquake, 2002 riots and 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami. On one side when you have hoards of people coming in to help, platoons and platoons of NGOs working in parallel with the Government, National and International Humanitarian Organizations almost instantaneously to mobilize men and material for aid. I’ve seen people in Aurovilleworking tirelessly to recover lost house-hold items after the tsunami. The scale of the impact was just so gigantic that it leaves you wondering. I particularly remember the view of the sea just a couple of hours after the killer tsunami. It was sandy red. It smelled. The sound of the waves which otherwise is very soothing and unites you with the nature, that day was just scary roars of natures wrath. The sea had just engulfed thousands of people. The irony of the people who died was that they were mostly fisherman. Usually the sea is the soul source of their livelihood and the same sea had turned their predator. There were hoards of people helping each other out to rescue, rebuild and recover their belongings. Similar thoughts come to my mind when I saw common men carrying policemen after the Mumbai attacks, on TV.

The flip side of human nature was visible immediately after tsunami as new-paper reported lot of bodies found without wrists and fingers as criminal minded people had chopped them off to get the rings and bangles out of women. That thought makes me sick even today. How can somebody be so ruthlessly barbaric, they are just inhuman!

I guess the good, the bad and the ugly are packaged into all of us, its up to us to rest (RIP) the non-required ones. There’s a cuddly lovable and fantastic Charlie and antagonistically ruthless and selfish Hank (split personality characters of Jim Carrey in Me, Myself and Irene) in all of us. The world needs more good people, more smiles, and more cheerfulness, more Charlies. That’s why I believe these festivals were invented. So that people have a reason to celebrate. A couple of guys from office tell me over lunch today that “we’re not into Christmas; we look forward to the holidays and long leave”. Fair enough, whatever makes you happy! That was the whole plan, wasn’t it?

Office was gloomy and tremendously under-numbered as people have taken off for Holiday season. I must admit here that I’ve been feeling a bit home-sick (ah! Who am I kidding, a lot homesick). And hence the gloomy post. Not feeling to well as well, English winter has caught up with me it seems. With a promise to myself to be more cheerful in the next one..


Saturday, December 20, 2008

"crowded" train

Ah!! Its been a while since I posted anything. There'll be a few more frequent posts in the next few days as I'm frankly catching up with my own thoughts. Every morning when I travel to work I think of funnier things to post, but couldn't get them through, anyway better late than never.

Here's a funny incident the other morning. Basically I travel – in what I think – is the most crowded train in the world. Obviously a lot of exaggeration and a bit of Murphy at play here but its true. The crowd catches up with you. You are there perfectly well in time awaiting your train, a few minutes later, just a few seconds before the train arrives, the platform fills in with tonnes of people. All part of the same “crowd”. We all do it don't we. Nikunj and I don't go to Feltham for a movie on a Friday night because we know we wont get any tickets, rather try Wandsworth.

I enjoy crowd to be honest, particularly on these cold mornings, its much more warmer. Some humans (like me) are poikilothermic, we need external heat sources to maintain our body temperature than others aka more woollens. And on the other brighter side you are exposed to the fragrance of a unlikely-uncoherent mixture of the dolce & gabbanas, the armanis, the c&ks, the guccis etc fantastic perfumes that people wear. And on the slightly grayer side the natural aroma of the homo-sapien himself who thinks of saving one of the planets most valuable natural resource – water – by NOT showering.

On such a slightly busy morning trains, Just as I made my way through the gates, the closing door signals started beeping and a young lady squeezed in before they actually closed. The travel time in the busy train from where we boarded to where we had to alight was less than 10 minutes. The jam inside the closed doors was worth having a glance at. There are these sleepy ones for whom only larger dozes of caffeine would suffice. There was this other lady doing tidying of eyelashes (this was on her seat mind you, plenty of room there). There are many other blank faces. There are people like me who keep looking at everyone else. Its a funny scene (to me at least). I fundamentally do not understand this thirst of “reading” of the people commuting to work. They pickup the latest freely available Metro from the stations which frankly has nothing but a cover story and a bunch of non-sense. I've also tried my hand at sudokus for while and then given up. Jodie tells me she's won quite a few gifts from them (encouragement to people who do it). No matter how stuffed you are in a train, these people “HAVE TO READ THE PAPER”. Doesn't matter if its getting in the face of the person next to you. Poor neighbours are staring at inverted adverts as the guy who's holding the paper is reading the lower half of the cover story and has folded the paper.

Back to our lady who's squeezed in. A few minutes of the journey and her blackberry comes to life with the most annoying ring-tone in the world. Its the very common “trrrrriiiiiiinnnggg”. It gets louder and louder. Guys making all such annoying ring-tones should think twice before releasing them (in public interest). In a lot of dis-comfort she manages to take the call - “hi honey!” “in a train...can't talk now” “will call you when I reach Victoria!”. The next thing she's doing is typing a text to the same bloke I believe - “train's stuffed with people.. lot of crowd! what a mess!”.

Bless her soul, not her fault if she lives in a country who's population is less than Mumbai, and infrastructure is feeling the pinch everywhere. And at the end of the day, who is this crowd that we hate so much? You and me.

In all fairness, looking at the brighter side of things make you think and smile even when you are alone. And thats all life's all about.

Feel Fresh Think Better

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Why is it?

It’s started with a early retirement to bed last night. And when the circadian clock gives up, you generally end up getting up un-usually early to your own surprise. What perplexes me today is something else as well - a weird, but detailed, dream that I had. A series of questions that come to my head following the dream, many of them specific to me, but a lot of them are very generic hence, I try and assimilate them here.

The one that takes over every other question right now is - Why is it that I care to write these down? And why is it that its here? There are a few justifiable answers that I get for that from my own head. Firstly, is it because I know I can reach to a global audience with this amazing discovery (for which I wish thank all the people who would have spent those sleep-less nights, discovering/inventing wonders, right from the a computer to every possible instrument that I’m using to write this down – this empowers us) . Secondly is it because I thought it would be something interesting to post here. The questions are in no particular order. The length of some questions is too long just because I had to provide the context of the question to get the right question through. All mention of “We” below is a filthy generalization of “I”

Why is it that dreams amaze us so much? Is it because of the sheer detail in the dream which half the time we forget before we know it, or is it because we know not the power of human brain which we’ve always under-estimated

Why is it that whenever we start writing in any editor, we change the font to our liking first?

Why is it that we have this need (an incorrigible thirst) to please other living beings (as its not limited to humans)?

Why is it that we as a natural reflex give up a seat for elders in a train/bus and feel a little upset when we don’t?

Why is it that we long to be home when we are away and finally when we are “home” we long for something else??!!

Why is it that we don’t have an answer to what we want to achieve in life? Its so amazing as it’s a very relative question?

Why is it that we recognize people from our country/region in just a glance?
(Its a different thing that Gujjus typically, so its very easy for me )

Why is it that it takes us a lifetime to build a relationship and an unfortunate minute to spoil it?

Why is it that when we lend a helping hand to others who refuse, we feel insulted and when acknowledged we feel good?
Why is it that we loose track of time when we are doing something with total dedication?

Why is it that passion is outweighed in this ROI oriented world?

Why is it that some of the best friends that you make are from your child-hood (is it because you’d have known each other before having any vested interest?)

Why is it that we long to be kids again, when we hated to be over-ruled when we were kids in the first place?

Why is it that “it is said college was the best time in life?” when we were totally flabbergasted by the system back then?

Why is it that we have a bias towards “our” things in this globalised world?

A good friend of mine during college, Sohil, told me this during a meal once. Why is it that people work so hard? For good marks, good grades, good campus, good salary, good career, good position, good flat, good car, good life in general (a few people may argue good after-life? may be some other day!) But after a series of question answers it boiled down to “shanti se do waqt ki roti ke liye”. (I know that the materialistic requirements are much more than this simplistic thought, but its true, at least for me). His reply to that was, when you are getting the same thing that you are slogging for right now, you don’t enjoy it and long for the same thing in the future? So analyze what we are slogging for? I doubt I got this one through.. ha ha..

The answer to all these questions is Silence

Would love to ponder over similar perplexing/witty questions, do post if you wish


Friday, December 5, 2008

Re: Ashamed of not voting till now

Here's a reply that i got from a good friend from VVNagar. Thought of pasting it here as some very important and interesting questions have been asked..

From what I know and believe all of us "act" so busy in life that it requires some incident to stop us from our rat races and notice somethings wrong!

I'm reading "India Unbound" by Gurucharan Das and he believes we lack Teamwork! He cites Raja Puru & Alexander's war and blames the old caste system for this mis-match

more later

god bless..


Hi Dhanjeet,
Hope you have got settled at London. I have just today finished one of my exam and presentation and the rest are in pipeline. What about you?
I am happy to see you sharing of really good thoughts. I think the initiative should come from within and it should not be like the bubbles on SODA bottle, it just comes and after some time it gets lost. Let's hope and try to make it a permanent Chetna/Jaagruti of people and start from ourselves.
We are looking for someone to get killed, some mishap to happen to be good person/start good initiative and after some time we forget it, but why? Can not we be a good person/take good initiative without any stimulus? Can not we persevere in our determination of some good idea?
These are the questions that we have to ask ourselves then be a fair judge of what are we thinking in this direction and if needed we have to take steps being honest to ourselves and then only there will be a change that we want to see in society otherwise it will also be added into the list of some ahhiyans that were started by some people which were ended prematurely and it will continue as it is.
Regards to all back at home in India.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

ashamed that haven't voted till now

Dear Friends,

My name is Dhanjeet Jadeja and I was born in 1984. I'm 24 years old and am fairly ashamed of the fact that I haven't exercised my right to vote till now. I live in London. The Mumbai Terror attack has sent shock-waves and knee jerk reactions from most of the parts of the society.

Every time that we have any discussion between friends regarding anything related to the system and what are we doing about it, the question ends at "Do you vote?" or "Have you voted?". An eery silence always follows. People who know what I am talking about - know it.

While the people join hands, light candles and show unity in the country, lets decide to VOTE (

I know that US Citizens can vote at their embassies even if they are overseas ( I would like to explore the possibility of knowing whether similar model can be put in practice for us, as India has very large young population living outside currently.



Friday, November 21, 2008

same old story

this is going to be the same story that most of us would have thought about when writing the first blog. there are numerous questions that are going through my mind right now.. why am i doing this? i've never successfully maintained a diary in my life.. although made failed attempts at it many times...

its like the time when your dad asks you to make a time-table when you are small, that advice then changes to keep a track of your expenditure when you grow up.. the same advices are passed on from generations to generations i think, without anyone actually following it!

its been a little doze of what my dear friends back in bangalore called "funde.. funde"

more to come

god bless